Now... I know you’re going to freak out, but here’s the deal:

1~ This recipe has a lot of butter.
2~ But who's eating mashed potatoes every week? And honestly, if you are, let's be real. You don't care for a second if there's a ton of butter in this, right? I mean, it could be 10 pounds of lard in it and that'd be cool. If I were one for trendy hashtag thingies, I'd use this one right now: #justsayin.
3~ What it comes down to in this recipe is 3 tablespoons of butter in a serving, which is typically the amount of butter you’d eat smothered on a golden grilled cheese sandwich, in some really good scrambled eggs with toast, or a piece of birthday cake.
4~ Butter is not the devil. It’s healthy when eaten alongside a balanced diet. It’s unhealthy when eaten alongside a diet of McDonald’s, a bunch of Lean Cuisines, and Cheetos on the reg. But then again, for those whose diets look sort of like that, maybe they need to take a look at the other stuff they’re eating, and consider the butter the only quality ingredient.
5~ Butter contains necessary nutrients for our health, including many vitamins and... wait for it...cholesterol! Yep, believe it or not, the fact is that our bodies need cholesterol to make vitamins, maintain healthy cells, good skin, and keep a healthy brain!
6~ You can definitely skimp on the butter. It just won’t be nearly as good. That’s simply what butter does. It makes things better. If you’re going to commit to eating mashed potatoes, then why not enjoy them the right way? Don’t even get me started on the whole low-fat ice cream mess.
Okay, I’m done being all preachy and annoying for now. But I just feel like someone has to speak for the butter! Poor butter. Why is it that we now have to choose between being either Paula Deen or drinking liquified kale morning, noon, and night? How's about we just stick to some sensibility when it comes to finding health? It’s so much simpler. Maybe that'll be the next big diet trend. A useful one!
And now that I've thrown all my alphabet soup P's and Q's out the window, I’m going to zip it and talk about all the potatoes until someone questions my love of salt.
Here’s my favorite recipe ever for mashed potatoes done right. And there are only 4 ingredients! That’s all you need. Well, you could probably spoon some gravy over the top and make it a tad bit better. But then that’s really it.
The secrets to making the best mashed potatoes ever are to make sure you cook the potatoes all the way through until they’re completely tender, and to add the right amount of butter. And please, so needless to say, don't forget the salt. Because absolutely nobody one wants bland potatoes.
These potatoes turn out so incredibly soft and flavorful. They’re absolutely gorgeous and scrumptious.
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Love, health, and happiness to all of you!
How to Make Mashed Potatoes the Right Way
- 3 - 3½ pounds Russet Potatoes approximately 3 large or 6 small
- ¾ pound Unsalted Butter 3 sticks, room temperature
- 1 teaspoon Sea Salt
- ¼ cup Heavy Cream
- Rinse the potatoes very well, rubbing the skin with your fingers as you rinse under the water.
- Peel the potatoes.
- Slice the potatoes into 4 equal sizes so that they cook evenly.
- Submerge the potatoes in a large pot of cold water.
- Place the pot on the stove over a high heat.
- Add plenty of salt into the water. Don’t be shy. It’s just like when you cook pasta. The potatoes need this.
- Skim off any foam that may rise to the top.
- Once the water boils (about ten minutes into the cooking process), turn the heat down to get a simmer, which is basically an almost boil.
- Allow the potatoes to cook until a knife poked through them slides right through with no resistance at all. This should take another twenty minutes or so. Don’t worry about overcooking them. The secret is to never undercook your potatoes.
- Once they’re ready, drain the water out.
- Put the pot back on med-low and use a potato masher to completely mash the potatoes.
- Add the butter, half a stick at a time. Mash it in until fully combined before adding the next half-stick. Once it starts getting creamy, use a whisk or a large spoon to mix.
- Mix in the 1 teaspoon of salt and the heavy cream. Serve and enjoy!
Laura says
I made these tonight! Thank you, so delicous! And I love this new Honestly Simple Idea!
honestandtasty says
Oh, yay!! So happy you enjoyed them! And I'm glad you like the new idea 🙂 <3
Joseph says
dynamite. ,I add two bay leaf to boiling h2o a Russian girl told me to try this some 40 years ago ,,,,Live Love Cook And LEARN